Minnedosa Minor Hockey Registration

2024-2025 Minnedosa Minor Hockey Registration Information:

Players will not be eligible to participate if payment deadlines are not met and if the Parent Respect in Sport course is not completed by the deadline.

PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE for ensuring that the PARENT Respect in Sport Course has been taken by Nov 1, 2024. (https://www.hockeymanitoba.ca/members/respect-sport-parents/).

Link to Register to 2024-2025 season: email minnedosahockeyreg@gmail.com to ask if registration is still open for your child's age group

Payment of registration fees are expected as soon as possible, with the final deadline of Nov. 1, 2024.
(the early bird discount will be removed if fees are not paid in full by Nov. 1)

If you are unable to pay the entire fee immediately, you can pay 50% by Oct. 1 and 50% by Nov. 1

payment options for player registration fees:


The Puck Stop is the name of the canteen operated by Minnedosa Minor Hockey. Each family enrolled in Minnedosa Minor Hockey has a requirement to work (or pay for a replacement worker we assign) canteen hours.

Canteen deposits are due Oct. 1, 2024

2024-2025 Minor Hockey Registration Fees

Under 7:

Under 9:

Under 11:

Under 13:

Under 15: