Minnedosa MHA Constitution and Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles and Regulations of Minnedosa Minor Hockey

The Objectives of Minnedosa Minor Hockey Association shall be:

a) To provide a safe, fun, and enjoyable opportunity for all youth hockey players, coaches, and volunteers.

b) To allow all youth hockey players to participate equitably in minor hockey activities.

c) To develop and encourage a sense of self, sportsmanship, fellowship, and community pride in all participants of Minnedosa Minor Hockey.

d) To provide guidance and support to all coaches and volunteers.

e) To provide optimum skill development for all youth hockey participants and foster a healthy competitive environment.

f) To coordinate efforts with Hockey Manitoba and Hockey Canada to offer organized hockey programs.

g) To enforce the rules of the game of hockey as adopted by Hockey Manitoba and Hockey Canada.

h)To have and exercise general care, supervision and direction over the playing interests of the Association’s teams and players.

MMHA Constitution adopted April 3 2024 at AGM.pdf

MMHA Constitution Adopted April 2024

MMHA Fair Play Codes SEPT 2024.pdf

MMHA Fair Play Codes
Social Media Policy

MMHA Conflict Resolution Policy.pdf

MMHA Conflict Resolution Policy

MMHA Managers Manual SEPT 2024.pdf

MMHA Manager/Coach Manual

2024 2025 Minnedosa Minor Hockey parent meeting sample handout.doc

Sample Parent meeting agenda (word document)