Minnedosa MHA Board Members


President: Michael Lamb president@minnedosaminorhockey.com

Vice-President: Matt Saler

Past President: Elin Klym

Treasurer: Carol Taylor

Secretary: Julie Pomehichuk pjpomehichuk@gmail.com 

Referee-in-Chief: Michael Lamb  referee@minnedosaminorhockey.com 

Tournament Chair: Tyler Jacobson   tournaments@minnedosaminorhockey.com 

Hockey Chair: Kayla Swift

Building Chair: Allan Betteridge

Equipment Chair: Wes Lewis

Promotions & Sponsorship: Lynn Martin promotions@minnedosaminorhockey.com 

Registration Chair: Tanis Barrett  minnedosahockeyreg@gmail.com 

to contact a board member that doesn't have an email listed, please use the account:  minnedosahockeyreg@gmail.com  and your query will be passed along